EOSToolkit.io – Testnet support add

Last Updated: September 10, 2018

Whether you’re testing a smart contract on a testnet or want peace of mind that you are using a toolkit feature correctly you can now do it right from the EOSToolkit

Switching networks will automatically prompt Scatter to add the network if you haven’t already, and select a new identity on that network. Scatter integration has been improved overall.

How to switch networks

  1. Select the Scatter dropdown
    Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.36.07 am.png
  2. Select Change Network
    Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.36.18 am.png
  3. Review the networks and endpoints and select the one you want
    Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.36.29 am.png
  4. Approve the new network on Scatter (if you haven’t used it before)
    Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.39.43 am.png
  5. If you haven’t used this network before, add new identities in Scatter and attach them like you normally do
  6. Confirm you are on the new network
    Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 9.42.30 am.png
  7. Enjoy using the EOSToolkit with your Testnet account!

Want a testnet or endpoint added?

Adding additional testnets and endpoints is easy. Simply checkout our GitHub and create a Pull Request to add the appropriate network or endpoints to the networks.json

You can also contact us on our telegram channel and we’ll be happy to help!


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